Del Reino a la República. Querétaro between the Old Regime and Political Independence (1786-1823)
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In this article Dr. José Pascual Buxó comments on some aspects of the book Del Reino a la República. Querétaro, 1786- 1823, by Manuel Suárez Muñoz and Juan Ricardo Jiménez Gómez. The work, "of noticeable typographic beauty and singular historical importance", according to the author, offers the readers, contained in four volumes, a series of documents (385) reproduced by facsimile, which portrait different happenings of the Queretaran life in 1786, just when the ideas from the French Revolution began to infiltrate into the whole Kingdom, until 1823, year in which the main period of the Independence movement ends. Council acts, royal certificates and provisions, decrees, proclamations and other documents loyally back up the historical occurrences of the region of Querétaro.

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