Doctrina Christiana muy vtil... from 1578, an Ancient Work Rescued by Pedro Moya de Contreras
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La Doctrina Christiana muy vtil, y necessaria assi para los Españoles, como para los naturales en lengua Mexicana y Castellana, printed in México in 1578, has triggered heated arguments about the authorship of the work. However, even though according with investigator Jesús Bustamante García there is not enough proof to attribute the work to any particular author, there are important hints that show that the Doctrina Christiana could have been written by friar Alonso de Molina, one of the most prolific doctrinal authors and connoisseurs of 16th century Nahuatl tongue. In the end, the only certain thing is that the work was ordered by the "Illustrissimo y Reurendissimo Señor Don Pedro Moya de Contreras, Arçobispo de México".

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