Calles and the Press
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A controversial character in his time and even now, feared by his radical postures, notwithstanding, many saw in General Plutarco Elías Calles the politician who would carry out the postulates of the Mexican Revolution. In the present article, the author gives us the opinion of some of the most important Mexican journals from the decade of the twenties about the first actions of the government of President Calles. The work of Professor Cano is divided in two parts: the first one comprehends some of the information about the structure and the characteristics of the journals analyzed; the second refers to the opinion of the press about the régime of President Calles. For this purpose, 11 titles of national journals were chosen (five from D. E, one from Jalisco, one from Sinaloa, one from Veracruz and two from Yucatan), material that was consulted in different newspapers and periodical libraries, fundamentally in the Hemeroteca Nacional de México.

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