Dawn of Independence. Conjuration and Death of the Ávila Brothers in Sixteenth Century New Spain.
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New Spain
16th Century
Alonso de Ávila
Álvaro Gil González de Ávila

Citas en Dimensions Service

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Once the conquerors’ offspring realized they would lose all their privileges by the publication of the Leyes Nuevas de Indias, some young Creoles of New Spain initiate a plot to "reconquer" the land their fathers had won, and proclaimed king Martín Cortés, son of the maximum conqueror, Don Hernando. The Ávila brothers were among this group of young men, whose fate was to be convicted and nailed to the pillory. Dr. José Pascual Buxó approaches these events based on two sources: the Tratado del descubrimiento de Yndias y su conquista…, wich belongs to historical narrative category, written by New Spain’s Creole Juan Suárez de Peralta on the last third of sixteenth Century; and the Relación fúnebre a la infeliz trágica muerte de dos caballeros de lo más ilustre de esta Nueva España, Alonso de Ávila y Álvaro Gil González de Ávila, su hermano…, a romance written in the mid-seventeenth Century by Luis de Sandoval Zapata, a Mexican Creole too.

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