Nueva época, vol. XX, núm. 1 y 2, México, primer y segundo semestres de 2015
Nueva época, vol. XX, núm. 1 y 2, México, primer y segundo semestres de 2015


The National Newspaper Library of Mexico, 1912-2012: Historiographical Review
Lilia Vieyra Sánchez
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The National Newspaper Library of México and its founding during Mexican Revolution
Irma Lombardo García
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The Transmission of News in New Spain: xvith Century
Blanca López de Mariscal
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Paratextos en la prensa periódica del siglo XVIII. Prólogos y dedicatorias
Dalia Valdez Garza
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By Stagecoach, Mule and Rail in Mexican land: travelogues of Manuel Payno and Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera in the Context of the Mexican Press
Luz América Viveros Anaya
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The Political Fusion of Conservatives and Pure Liberals. A Controversy in the Press of 1849
Edwin Alcántara Machuca
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Anotaciones y estrategias para la recuperación de la historia de las revistas y periódicos españoles del siglo XIX en México
Pablo Mora
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Two Centuries of Fauna in the Mexican Press through Newspapers in the National Newspaper Library of Mexico
Martha Isabel Gómez Guacaneme
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Hemerographic Research about Newspaper El Mundo (Mexico, 1922-1923)
Roberto Sánchez Rivera
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Reinventing the Past: the Memories of Jose Juan Tablada in El Universal (1925-1928)
Irma Elizabeth Gómez Rodríguez
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Keys to Understand Cultural Sources Coverage in the Newspapers El Universal and Excelsior: a 2009 Summer Review
Martha Elizabeth Álvarez González
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The Social Role of the National Newspaper Library
María del Rosario Suaste Lugo
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The Hemerographic Research
María Teresa Camarillo Carbajal
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National Digital Newspaper Library of Mexico: Trends that Led an Innovative Project of Preservation, Dissemination and Consult of the Heritage preserved National Newspaper Library
Guadalupe Curiel Defossé, Lorena Gutiérrez Schott, Ricardo Jiménez Rivera
PDF (Español (España))